It is easy to see against this background that the psychology of the self provides us now with the means of explaining a related fact which, to my mind, has hitherto been unexplained, even though it has, I believe, been recognized by analysts for a long time. Some people can live fulfilling, creative lives, despite the presence of serious neurotic conflict-- even, sometimes, despite the presence of a near-crippling neurotic disease. And, in the obverse, there are others, who despite the absence of neurotic conflict, are not protected against succumbing to the feeling of the meaninglessness of their existence, including, in the field of psychopathology proper, of succumbing to the agony of the hopelessness and lethargy of pervasive empty depression-- specifically, as I said before, of certain depressions of later middle life.
Kohut, Heinz. The Restoration of the Self (pp.241-242). University of Chicago Press. Kindle 版.
As I said earlier when discussing the significance of the depressions of later middle age (cf. p. 241, above)-- but this crucial point bears repetition-- there are, on the one hand, many people with poorly constituted selves who, despite the absence of symptoms, inhibitions, and disabling conflicts, lead joyless and fruitless lives and curse their existence. And there are, on the other hand, those with firm, well-defined selves who, despite serious neurotic disturbance-- and yes, occasionally even despite their psychotic (or borderline) personalities6-- are leading worthwhile lives and are blessed with a sense of fulfillment and joy.※コフートの'borderline'は現代的なBPDとはかなりニュアンスが違うので注意。
Kohut, Heinz. The Restoration of the Self (pp.281-282). University of Chicago Press. Kindle 版.
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